english / español

Paula Books

Jorge Pinto Books introduced its children’s imprint, Paula Books, and presented its first title last February 27 at the Americas Society in New York City. La Tortuga Golosa, which was simultaneously released in English as The Turtle’s Shell, is part of the imprint’s first series, “Once Upon a Time...America.” The collection gathers legends from the oral tradition of several native groups that have inhabited the American continent for many years. “Throughout the Americas, the great majority of these amazing stories and myths remain largely unknown to us and our children, [even though] we are familiar with the European tradition of fairy tales,” says founder Jorge Pinto.

In an effort to recover these indigenous tales, Paula Books intends to publish 10 titles yearly. Along with Paula Campos’s La Tortuga Golosa, an adaptation of a Nahua story from Mexico, upcoming titles include Who Stole the Fire, from the Amazon’s Yanomami Indians; My Parents: Puma and Fox, from the Patagonia’s Mapuches; and Blue Corn, from Mexico’s Huicholes. Written by Paula Campos, all the titles in this collection will be simultaneously published in Spanish and English, and will be available in paperback in the U.S. and European markets.








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